Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Plans for 2009

We had a bumper turnout at our Annual Team Meeting to talk about plans for the 2009 season.

We made a small profit in 2008 despite our investment in refurbishing the club house and kick starting our junior coaching. This was made possible by our fund raising activities: sponsorship, social events and donations - thank you if you contributed in any way.

We're in a good place at the moment with most major things in place from our efforts over the past few years: better outdoor nets, the new bowling machine, new sightscreen, sponsored kit, Sunday side, etc.

In 2009 our main focus is building on the great start we've had with our junior section. Leggy is halfway through his Level 2 coaching badge and Tuckers is very fired up on the organisation front. Their big plan is to enter a team in a midweek junior league in 2009.

We'll still have a range of social events: Curry Night, Golf Day, Bank Holiday 20/20 plus a few others in the planning stage. The 2009 Tour is rumoured to be to the sun-drenched North East coast.

Happily Matt Burton has kindly agreed to be our main sponsor again in 2009. So do have a look on www.internet-ink.co.uk when you need some printer ink!

We had positive news about recruiting some new players, and do speak to your friends and work mates about joining the Millers.

So lots to look forward to. Winter nets will start at Trent Bridge at the beginning of March to have a very focused pre-season build up. And we'll have some social gathering before then - watch this space.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Stat Attack

Barry has just finished updating all of the History of KCC statistics. We're truly lucky that Barry has invested so much time in this project - what other Club could have such an amazing record of its playing history. Read on for Barry's latest press release!

We hope you enjoy keeping up to date by viewing www.keyworthcc.co.uk the Club Website.

I have just completed re-writing and updating the History & Records of the club and the documents can be found in the local reference section at Keyworth Library in Church Drive. The history website www.keyworthcrickethistory.co.uk has also been updated.

In addition to adding all the data from season 2008 there are many other additions/changes from the 1940's through to the present day and a number of extra sections, including trophies, clothing and more extensive records on best batting & bowling performances.

I have embarked on a long term programme (ie. when I can find the time!) of trawling through newspaper records at the City, West Bridgford & Newark Libraries, trying to fill in many of the gaps in our historical records, particularly through the middle of the last century. It is a slow process but very rewarding when you unearth information, which I invariably do. I now have quite detailed data from the Library Service on where to find micro film of particular journals. So it is on-going and ad-hoc changes will appear in the records from time to time.

May I take this opportunity to wish you and your family the compliments of the season and a healthy and happy 2009.

Thank you once again for your past interest. I remain yours sincerely,
Barry Baker
President – Keyworth Cricket Club