AGM Highlights
The great and the good of KCC gathered in the Feignies Lounge in Keyworth Village Hall for our Annual Meeting on January 11th. Highlights of the evening's discussion are listed below.
Election of Officers
After over a decade of sterling service, Alan Copson has decided to pass on the President’s baton, and accepted the invitation to become an Honorary Vice President. Barry Baker was elected our new President. John Dring has become KPFA Chairman, so Simon Tuckwell has taken on the role of KCC rep. Ted is taking a well earned retirement from Keyworth Show rep, and we will be looking for volunteers to replace this important role. Other positions remained unchanged.
Ground Improvements
We agreed to invest in the following ground improvements to make the Field of Dreams fit for 1A.
Covers for the wicket
Outdoor practice net
Bottom end fence to stop balls going in the hedge
Re-painting changing rooms and old sightscreen
New numbers for the scoreboard
Extra boundary flags
Honours board
Trophy cabinet
Consider replacing changing room benches
Dale is going to organise a Ground Day before the start of the season – hopefully with a gang of volunteers we can crack all of the jobs in one day.
Club Tour 2008
Rocket presented splendid plans for this year’s Tour to Zummerzzet. Wednesday 9 – Friday 11 July, with two games of cricket, a game of golf and a big night out in Weston-Super-Mare. Cost will again be in the region of £170 + bail money. Steve will be circulating full details.
Playing and Leisure Kit
Sunhats will be a new addition to the range, plus the possibility of warm-up shorts and club ties. A few ‘Double Champions’ Zip-Tops are still available at the first come, first served, price of £10.
Sunday Side
Boss Hogg has nine fixtures confirmed throughout the season.
Social Events
Laddy’s programme of events will run something like this…….
Feb 18 – First round exit from Village Quiz
Apr 25 – Curry Night
June – Euro 2008 Predictor Competition
Jun 20 (tbc) – Golf Day, Stanton GC
Jul 9-11 Club Tour, Somerset
Aug 25 – 2020 Day
Nov/Dec tbc – Awards Dinner
Sponsorship will be our official club sponsors. Antler plc have also kindly made a donation towards our Leisure Kit. We’re also sounding out other local sponsors for boundary boards, and have approached the Salutation about using the pub after home games.
History of KCC Project
The next update of Barry’s bible will feature a new section on ‘Nervous 90’s’
Vice Presidents
Barry will be approaching a range of current and proposed vice presidents with a personalised letter detailing KCC plans for 2008.
Player Subscriptions
Subs will be held at £20 for the season. These remain an essential contribution to help fund the running costs of the club.